Transform your kitchen: say goodbye to the dirty stove effortlessly!



Are you tired of endlessly scrubbing your stovetop?

In this article, we share a simple method, based on the video "How to Clean a Flat Iron WITHOUT Burning Yourself Out" from the YouTube channel "Coisas Fáceis," which will turn this unpleasant task into a simple and effective activity.

So let's start!

Preparing the Cleaning Solution

To start, we will need the following ingredients:

  • 1/3 of a glass of alcohol
  • 1/3 of a cup of vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons of detergent
  • 1 tablespoon bicarbonate of soda
  • Enough water to cover the plates

Mix the alcohol, vinegar, detergent, and bicarbonate of soda in a container.

Add the water, but only enough to cover the stove's flat irons.

Soaking the Flat Irons

Submerge the flat irons in the cleaning solution you prepared.

Ensure they are completely covered by the solution.

Let them soak for at least half an hour. If the dirt is truly persistent, letting them soak for longer or even overnight can be even more effective.

The Cleaning

After allowing the flat irons to soak for the necessary time, it's cleaning time.

With the help of a sponge and a little more detergent, scrub them gently. 

You'll notice how the dirt is removed much more easily than the traditional scrubbing method.

For the iron pieces that should not be soaked, just scrub to remove the dirt, and they will already be shining.

Finishing Up

After scrubbing, rinse the flat irons and dry them.

They are now ready to be put back on the stove! You'll notice a significant difference in the appearance of your stove, now with its clean and shiny flat irons.

Follow the video step by step:

We hope this simple but effective guide helps make the task of cleaning the stove less laborious. 

If you found it useful, share it with your friends and family!

And remember: prevention is key, so try to clean the flat irons regularly to prevent dirt accumulation.

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