Keep Your Air-Conditioning Cooling and Save Energy: Step-by-Step Cleaning!

Keep Your Air-Conditioning Cooling and Save Energy: Step-by-Step Cleaning!

Hey guys! Today, we're going to learn how to clean your split-type air conditioner, the one that cools you down on hot summer days. 

Gustavo Gabriel, from the channel "Gustavo Gabriel", brings us valuable tips in the video "DO IT YOURSELF - CLEANING SPLIT AIR CONDITIONING" to ensure that your air conditioning works efficiently and saves energy.

Let's go!

Why is cleaning essential?

First, let's understand why it's crucial to keep your air conditioner clean. 

Split air conditioning has two parts: the evaporator (internal) and the condenser (external). 

It works with a closed circuit involving a refrigerant gas. When this gas passes through the evaporator coil, the air is cooled and then distributed to the environment. 

If the filters and coil are dirty, efficiency drops, leading to increased power consumption and poor cooling.

Evaporator cleaning (internal part)

First, turn off the device. Inside, remove the cover and find the filters. 

This is the area where you can do regular maintenance. 

Gustavo recommends doing this every two months to ensure the air you are breathing is clean and to save up to 10% on your energy bill.

Cleaning the Condenser (external part)

Now, let's go to the external part, called the condenser. 

As mentioned earlier, it is important to keep this part clean to ensure that the air conditioner works efficiently. 

Gustavo uses a pressure washer, but you can use a regular hose to remove dust and dirt. 

Wash for about two minutes, and that will be enough.

Benefits of Regular Cleaning

By cleaning regularly, you will have an air conditioner that cools better and saves energy. 

In addition, you will be taking care of your health, avoiding breathing dust and impurities. 

It is recommended to call a refrigeration technician at least once a year for a more thorough cleaning, which includes disassembling the evaporator and cleaning internal components.

Therefore, if you want to ensure that your air conditioning works perfectly, saving energy and providing a healthy environment, be sure to check out the complete video "DO IT YOURSELF - CLEANING AR CONDITIONED SPLIT" on the "Gustavo Gabriel" channel. 

Valuable tips shared by Gustavo will help you to clean the evaporator and condenser effectively. 

To the next!

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