Humidifier in the Bedroom: Where to Place it and How to Improve Your Health

Humidifier in the Bedroom: Where to Place it and How to Improve Your Health

In the enlightening video of the "APAE Franca" channel entitled "Using a humidifier and its benefits," respiratory physiotherapist Maísa shares valuable information on how the proper use of a humidifier can significantly improve your health, especially in areas with low air humidity.

The Importance of Relative Humidity

Maisa begins by highlighting the importance of relative air humidity. 

She explains that the ideal level is around sixty percent, but when it falls below fifteen percent, this can cause discomfort in the eyes, nose and throat, in addition to respiratory problems such as coughing, wheezing and the emergence of chronic conditions. 

Such as rhinitis, asthma, bronchitis and sinusitis.

The Humidifier as a Solution

To combat these problems, Maisa recommends using an air humidifier. 

She suggests wearing it for up to three hours a day to increase the humidity in the room, making it more comfortable for everyone. 

However, it is essential to keep the humidifier clean and use filtered water to prevent the proliferation of fungi in the environment.

Where to Place the Air Humidifier

To ensure that the humidifier works effectively, it is crucial to choose the right place to position it. 

Place it close to your sleeping area, such as next to your bed, to get the most benefits. 

Make sure the humidifier is level on a stable surface.

Simple Alternatives for Moisture Improvement

But what if you don't have an air humidifier? Don't worry, there are simple alternatives. 

Maisa suggests using a wet towel or a bowl of water in the bedroom. The wet towel can be left overnight as long as it is not soaking wet. 

As for the basin with water, it is important to consider the safety of children, keeping it out of reach or in an elevated place.

In summary, the video "Using a humidifier and its benefits" from the channel "APAE Franca" offers valuable information on the proper use of an air humidifier to improve your health. 

I strongly recommend watching this video for detailed guidance. Maísa's tips can significantly improve the air quality in your home and your family's respiratory health. 

Don't miss the opportunity to learn more about how to ensure a healthier environment for everyone.

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